Tuesday, August 10, 2010

4D scan 2nd time around...

mmm was quite a weird experience yesterday and we both came out feeling like we were poking around too much and seeing too much, as the images you get will never be the same as baby in the flesh and there is definitely a certain weirdness to it all, lumps, bumps, smooched faces and weird texture.......
and you think its going to be this wonderful video of you baby moving around and its just a series of stop starts, worth it but we don't need to see anymore!

Here are some more shots, some are so like Steve's eyes its weird and in others it looks like a little old man ahhhhhh our baby!


Steve's eyes

It had its hands up to its face the whole session chewing and just hiding its face awe!

I'll look at the video see whether its worth posting. Any more guessing on boy or girl based on these?

R x


  1. Ive only had regular ultra sounds. I am as you, seems weird and in reality not really what your baby will look like anyways. Im sure your baby will not come out looking like an old man, lol!
    Still nice to see the baby though.

  2. Wow.... First time i have seen a scan like this with eyes open......... So Handsome/beautiful

  3. Bless, we are loving your blog. You both look so happy. Keep us posted. Good luck for the next few weeks-days all our love from France xxx
