Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm not sleeping..... is anyone?

I thought sleepless nights happened after the baby was born, but apparently not!

Apart from the 3 million times I have to pee at night now there are a whole new amount of things that are stopping me sleep - who knew eh?

restless legs
waking up thirsty
waking up hungry
sleeping on my side - odd as I like to sleep on my front it's taken some getting use to - I have been preferring the right side, apparently its best to sleep one your left! so I toss and turn between the two - Pillow either side to wedge between legs and under bump.
indigestion - awful acidic burps so now I sleep with 2 pillows under my head to try to stop this. - soon I will have to get more pillows - poor Steve can't get anywhere near me!

And then last night I had a 4am wake up call from baby a few regular kick then...maybe hiccups, or some sort of twitch? I need to see if I should be feeling hiccups this early, but they went on forever!?

Steve has also not been sleeping bless him - as I SNORE....yep and not ladylike snores, I snore so loudly he can hear it downstairs with the Footy on! oh my I'm a wort hog!
But he lets me snore says I need the rest! awe - and he now has to get his sleep now on away trips - in which he use to struggle to sleep because of stress now he sleeps like a baby as he doesn't get much other time to sleep. He and his roomy sleep like babies as his roomy has 2 small kids so little sleep too,
ahhh bless imaging those two guys spooning away at 8pm every night! ha ha ha

Anyway off for an afternoon nap - lucky girl - afternoon naps seem to go without a hitch!

R x

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