Saturday, May 7, 2011

Worried parents

I can honestly say that Bailey other than waking in the night (oh and she wakes in the morning grumpy now whereas she always woke with smiles, age?) seems less affected by the hospital visit than we are.
She was even smiling after the procedure at each doctor and nurse that came in to the room, and the doctor we saw then next day at our pediatricians she positively flirted with him!

She did amaze us how quickly age recovered her smile after each horrid procedure, as long as mummy and daddy were there age seemed to be ok, us on the other hand were not so ok!

We realized quite early in my pregnancy that from here on out worrying was our job as parents, but this last trip to the hospital has really shocked us, to how helpless one is when it comes to your precious child, it was scary, upsetting, and I think both Steve and I needed to talk to friends and family about it to...get over it!
Sounds dramatic but honestly felt numb about it all, in shock?

Happily we as a family are over the trauma and here is a little photo of us outside our old house, one last walk on our old (pre-pregnancy/ during pregnancy/ with Bailey) walk
Off to the new house to find a new route!!
Exciting times, our new adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Girl Im still not over my ambulance ride with Tiago at 10 months old and he is 4 and 1/2 now! I dont think live is ever the same after a scare like that, its a reminder how blessed we are and to enjoy each day.
