Saturday, June 25, 2011

...a day in my life...

We are back in the us, and getting back to normal...

My life is...
Steve's away for a few days! (lonely & bored = me, missing bailey & sick of travel = him)
Though he is meeting the President Monday!!!! V exciting!
It's ridiculously hot!
Its Hibernating weather! Or serious sunscreen weather.
I did get to the pool and it was bliss.
I have sunscreen in my eyes!
Bailey is sleeping better (jetlags a bitch!)
I even got up for the Sweet William craft market, looked but didn't purchase...shock!
I'm doing heaps of washing, but the pile doesn't seem to get smaller!
I haven't even picked up the iron! So that pile is scary!
Bailey makes a mess when she eats! I clear it 3x a day...tonight she crawled under the highchair and ate all she'd dropped on the floor! (still hungry? Just greedy!)
I only ate one chocolate bar tonight! Well done as it has been a battle, we always bring back lots of English chocolate, and normally my will powers great, (steve loves chocolate) this time 3...4 bars a day, baby weight will be going straight back on if I'm not careful!
Bailey took 1hr 17mins to go to sleep tonight, exasperating!
Have you ever noticed your buggy is never where you need it, your going out for a's in the car, your going out in the's in the house, I spend my life moving the darn buggy around....solution 2 buggys? Mmm will ponder that one!

Here's some piccys of Steve Bailey & I enjoying the sun!

R x

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Im just getting caught up, was a rough month with the passing of my Aunt but Im working my way back out of the darkness. Loved seeing all the photos, Ze and I just laugh and smile, Bailey is just too cute and still so Steve. Miss you girl!
