Saturday, July 3, 2010

Eco Bums or not Eco bums??

Oh my what a decision - ease or Eco, because I don't care what people say it is a simple as that, I have yet to read about an eco nappy (diapers) that hasn't got man hours involved.
While I want to be eco I also know I'm gonna be tired, stressed and not in any shape for origami!

So at the moment my choice is seventhgeneration disposable nappies for first few weeks..... for ease and getting steve and I use to changing a wriggling baby...

Then my hope is to switch to either bumgenius, I've chosen these so far though I have not tested them but they seem the nicest, don't have awful poppers which I think would be horrid to feel through the babies clothes, we'll see gonna do some more research and come back with my findings....

Or my favourite ones gdiapers - they even have a little g on the back how cool little g's for baby g!!!!
Is it wrong to choose something based on a logo?
No seriously they have rave reviews and you can interchange them with either a cloth insert or they have a flushable/ compostable insert for ease, so I can start with these and use both the cloth insert and the disposable inserts on days out when I don't want to carry around pooey inserts for a whole day or weekend away with no washing facilities - its like a win win situation!

Also since I started researching for this post I've hear that the seventh gen nappies are not biodegradable at all! so not so good!

tooooooooooo cute think my mind may be made up!!! little g's for my little g xxx yah

It's a tough decision - and an expensive one if the choice isn't the right one.

R x

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! I really want to cloth diaper this 3rd baby. I wanted to before but with moving and traveling it really didnt seem feasible, but now that we are a bit more settled, Im totally looking forward to it. Be sure to share what you find out.
