Friday, May 21, 2010

baby Names...

I always had a list of names I liked, well it wasn't a list as such but a whole page in the back of my list book, I only showed it to Steve the other day he thanked me for not showing it to him earlier.
I think he thinks I'm weird but with years of trying to get pregnant - you amass an amount of names and ideas.

BUT once I was actually pregnant the name page was whittled down as I looked at the names and saw that
a) some of the names had been used by my friends
b) some of the names we're just plain ridiculous
I ended up with only a few maybes.

The responsibility of naming a child is scary, they have it for the rest of their lives, such a responsibility we were going through name books so quickly just dismissing names.

Steve came home from work early on in the pregnancy with a girls name he thought of, I think he may have read it in the boys name section the night before and it obviously stuck in his brain and popped out for a girls name, he even had a nickname idea for it already! bless we're keeping it a secret as no one can help but comment on your names even if you say 'I love *****' people will say 'oh no that's awful' - erm I said I love that name????

so now we have 1 definite girls name and a possible back up and 2 possible boys names although we're not so in love with the boys names!



Any guesses??? PS one of my friends knows the B name so please keep it quiet xxxx

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