Monday, September 20, 2010


how many a times a day can a little baby get hiccups - yep its happening again now like a really strong heartbeat moving my whole tummy!

It wakes me up in the morning it happens through the night and day, they say its the baby practicing using the same muscles as breathing - does that mean you're coming soon??

I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday tears and snot it was the NAN legs and feet that did it I'm so fat its frightening, and oh there's that thing we've got to get through before we get the baby - LABOUR- which I'm starting to freak out about, Steve is as always amazing but even he can't quite love the NAN legs and fat feet! and the hope of me 'maning up' may be a distant wish it hurts walking to the loo in the middle of the night! hips/back/flat feet/ swollen tops of feet/ what am I going to be like!

Last night the baby was moving v weirdly you could see its feet sticking out the side of my tummy you could almost hold it - we gave it a pep talk! come on little one we're ready if a little scared!

R x

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