Wednesday, September 22, 2010

oooch ouch!

oh my it bloody hurt!
So I had a manual turn of my baby today call a version.
They hook you up to IV/ heart rate monitor give you a injection to relax the uterus and then manually push the baby into the right position.
Its a mixture of feelings pressure/ stretching/ tearing sensation and plain pain, my legs were squirming all over the place, the breathing wasn't working I was holding breath and squeezing Steve hand so hard - oh dear roll on childbirth! It's more of a traumatic experience than I thought as you spend your whole pregnancy being so careful not to get bumped, knocked or elbowed even little kicks from the kids and then you have this immense pressure and movement to shift your baby - v strange.

I nearly lost the plot and then it was done baby was down it was all over, let hope it stays down now as I'm not doing it again!
Although I have to say my ob Christee is AMAZING and so bloody strong, should've known she has a hell of a handshake! she was brill and the nurses at Rose medical were great too, I felt in safe hands.

Phwew now at home, Steve ordered a take away yum and I'm now drinking a white hot chocolate double yum!  in my PJ's up in my nursery, while Steve and Gary are downstairs watching the Soccer - it's lively down there the pressure of the push for the playoffs is upon us.

R x

ps I didn't even feel like fainting - BONUS!!!

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